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Perspective of Present (April 23)

I am realizing the impact that my education and my upbringing had on me. With the advancement of technologies, with phones, amazon shipping everything you need within a few days. I feel like I didn’t learn the true orders of things, that good things take time and dedication. I am saying this because my path led me far away from conventional schooling after high school and I am grateful not to have fallen into the trap of the system. I do not mean any offense by this, everyone’s path is exactly how it should be for them, I truly believe this, but in my opinion, the financial institution called government aren’t there to offer us what we need, but rather help themselves out with the way they educate their own ‘’population’’. I mean, why haven’t I learned how to breathe, how to manage stress and all these different skills on how to regulate myself in this world. This is why I am grateful about the process that this undertaking has taken me on, learning to stay patient, use the tools that I must regulate stress, breath and center myself to be able to assess my needs and take action.

This last month, I have let myself have faith in the journey that I am on. That I am learning and experiencing exactly what I need at the right time. I am a strong believer that stress, anger, anxiety can be crippling but also a great fuel for us to keep moving. Being uncomfortable is one of life’s most beautiful concepts. If we were not comfortable, we wouldn’t spend energy doing, creating, and behaving the way that we do. That discomfort offers us a chance and a choice, to rise to the occasion and create change in our life, or remain in the same situation, letting that stress rise until it is either crippling or allows us to move. No matter what happens, we will get uncomfortable, we must learn to get comfortable with discomfort.

For me this month, the discomfort expressed itself with fewer treatments, I thought that I would be able to have more clients. That wasn’t the reality, and I felt quite a lot of discomfort, but that allowed me to have more time on my hands and work harder on my website. I am quite proud of the fact that I will have a functioning website in the few weeks that follow. That discomfort allowed me to mobilize that energy somewhere else, somewhere where I had control and where I knew that it would improve my quality of life. It is all about perspective.

I am seeing in my own life the true rhythm of things. Building something that you want to be proud of, that ultimately will serve others and help you live the life that you want, accomplishing your dreams at the same time, takes a lot of time and effort. I am really enjoying and learning to be at peace with the flow that life gives me, without needing to fight it. If I have more time on my hands, I use it wisely to keep improving myself one day at a time, cherishing the flexibility to do the things that I love. But also, when the time comes where there is more active work to be done, I cherish it, it is a product of my creation, of my desire.

I am not sure what you might get out of this blog, I honestly do it mainly for my own personal growth, it allows me to write with a different perspective. I would encourage any of you reading to write a page or two with a monthly perspective of how you are doing. I know how hard I can be on myself day to day. But with this monthly perspective that I give myself, I am truly able to have a different view upon the journey I went through in these last 30 days.

Like always, this exercise of writing, followed by the daily practices and the work that I do to build my business, is teaching me the ability to give myself the space that I need to enjoy and be in the present moment. I am learning to give myself space to absorb all that I can on the good days and the bad, when I am busy and when I am not. A good friend of mine gave me this concept of capsulating. By encapsulating the moments, making sure we can do all that we want in a certain period, it allows us, or me at least, to stay grounded and present with the beauty of life itself. My understanding of this is to find a way to prioritize, letting go of the unnecessary, the less cherished and focusing on the things that you want to accomplish, the people you want to see, the tasks you want to finalize, etc.

I am leaving you and myself today with this quote that I heard from Jordan Peterson that has allowed me to stay focused and disciplined with my sense of direction in purpose in the last few months. ‘’If for 10 years you didn’t avoid what you knew you needed to do, what would you be like?’’


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