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Being Aware of the cycles… March 23

Updated: Apr 2, 2023

I feel a deep sense of gratefulness in the work I have been putting in myself by journaling on a daily basis, by tracking the lunar cycle, eclipse and overall my own journey. This month marks the end and the beginning of an important cycle in my life. Last year, on March 30th, I started a pilgrimage, I left the life that I knew, that I had dreamt of for most of my teenage years to embark on this soul calling. Now, a year later, and in the past few weeks, I could observe certain patterns resurface within me. I was upset, different circumstances made me upset, challenged me, but as I learned in Michael Brown book’s, The Presence Process, being UPSET is a SET UP. It is myself and the Universe working together to allow me to release a charge present within me, to complete a cycle, and to enter a new journey.

In this month of March, a lot happened to me. I officially received my certification as a Breathwork Facilitator registered with the Global Professional Breathwork Association, GPBA. I decided to leave the comfort of this home that I call Ometepe to expend my career opportunities at the beach, near Popoyo. The transition hasn’t been easy, I created a lot of resistance for myself, I created a lot of challenges that I needed to observe, to let go and to integrate.

This month’s blog is about cycles. I finish a year cycle where I feel like I accomplished a lot. I hike the Pacific Crest Trail, a 4270km journey from the border of Mexico to Canada crossing over the state of California, Oregon and Washington. I came back to Quebec, a place I left a few years ago with quite a bitter taste in my mouth, and in the process of spending nearly three months, a realized that family is there, but my life isn’t, I discovered where my feeling of home is… seeming, almost as a cliché, I found it in my heart. I doesn’t matter anymore where I am physically, that feeling that I have been illusively chasing for years laid seemingly in the furthest place I was looking at, inside myself. Finally, looking back on this year, I have worked relentlessly to build the foundation of a career for myself working as a Fascia Contouring Facilitator and becoming a Breathwork Facilitator.

Yet, I am human, I still want more, I write these words today feeling this inner fire within me, driving me forward. I feel impatient. I feel impatient in moving forward in my life. I feel impatient to transform this foundational work that I have been putting over the last 6 months into my career and transform it into active action in working with people, clients. This is where I get a deeper understanding of my own life, of life itself. If it was to be truly meaningful and I believe it is, then it isn’t meant to be easy, it isn’t meant to go fast, to receive everything so effortlessly. Where would the paycheck in gratitude be. I mean every week, this understanding of that raging fire, offers me this gift of gratitude, with that one step, with this new moment, with just a few clients, with one more session. All these examples are there to teach me what I need to feel and know how to hold and move the energy that I want to manifest into my life.

I want to leave you today with a quote from Aristotle: “Patience is bitter, but its fruits sweet.’’ Taking this quote into my heart, I feel that learning to love this bitter impatience brings me closer to that sweet taste of that grateful coming fruit.


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