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Approaching the Breath (October 22)

Updated: Mar 3, 2023

Don’t ask me how, or when it really started to be on my mind, but from the time I was a teenager I knew that for my well being I had to learn how to breath properly. I just knew something wasn’t optimal with my breathing, it felt forced, it didn’t feel fluid, and more than anything, I somehow knew how beneficial it would be. But really, I had no idea, and I am still learning everyday about what an amazing tool it is.

I travel a lot. I have had the chance to have parents that have this passion for travel around the world and they ingrain this in me. Thanks to my mom, she pushed me to go do an exchange student program after high school. I think it is good to mention this to understand and learn a bit more about me... That year completely changed the way that I look at life, what my possibilities could be. So, when I thought about learning how to breath, I just thought, might as well go to Nepal, a country I’ve always wanted to visit, and learn from monks. How about that?

Well, my journey, somehow, brought me far from the mountains of Nepal. Life had a different destination for me to learn this practice. Unbeknownst to me, I first discovery the power of the breath on a small tropical island, in the middle of a lake, in Nicaragua, a magical island called Ometepe. That is where I first discovered Conscious Connected Breath (CCB). As soon as the first session was over, I knew, I just knew that I wanted to diver deeper in this and share it with the world.

Little over a year after this first experience and many breathwork sessions later, I finally decided to jump into the deep end, become a Conscious Connected Breath Facilitator. I have now been on a mind-blowing online course that as changed and transformed me in a unique way. Apart from learning how to facilitate and create a space for people to open while they breathe, the marvel of this journey is into our own self discovery.

Every evening, for now about a month, before I go to bed, I take five minutes to do my daily CCB which consist of taking full body inhales, letting go of the exhale and connecting the inhale and exhale without pause, all through a wide-open mouth. Even though it is not a lot of time, this habit has created wonderful changes in my body. Everyday, I take 5 minutes to flood my body with oxygen and starting today, I will be doing it twice a day. I know about benefits, having read about them, but it is always different when we start experiencing them ourselves and the impact it has on our daily life. It is also required to do a longer than 30 minutes session of CCB per week. If you had the chance to experience a longer breath journey, you must know how incredible it is… What I am trying to say here, is that this course is empowering me to have the discipline and the consistency to explore my inner journey and take responsibility for where I am today and take the necessary steps to create a new version of myself.

It has only been a month since I started this journey, a lot has happened, a lot has changed, and the journey ahead is incredibly exciting. Not only am I deepening my relationship with my inner self, but I can see how this is helping connect more and more authentically to myself with others. I feel like I am breaking so many barriers.


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